November 6, 2024
- PTO President: Alex Berger (
- Annual Giving exceeded goals
- Mad Science Assemblies “Gas Works” in celebration this Fri Nov 8
- Next fundraiser is Melrose Games in the Spring
- Harvest Festival
- Thank you to volunteers
- Community Coffee Hour this Friday November 8
- Help with additional Harvest Festival cleanup afterwards
- Outdoor Movie Night, Thurs Nov 21st at 7pm
- Bring blankets, chairs, warm clothing
- Community Cookie Hour, Friday December 6th
- Next PTO Meeting / Chat with the Principal Wednesday, January 15th at 5pm
- Annual Giving exceeded goals
- Mr. Needleman
- All volunteers must officially register at
- We allow one day volunteer opportunity before you submit TB test results
- Spring Beautification January 25th 9-11am
- Painting, trash cleanup, etc
- Winter Performances Dec 12th 8:30am & 1pm, Dec 13th 8:30am
- 40 mins to an hour
- Theme is “Peace & Harmony”
- All grades participate
- Lost iPads $351 replacement cost
- Can’t connect to wifi at home? Call 213-443-1300
- Supporting Student Mental Health: LAUSD is providing a phone-free (and smart watch-free) school day November 2024
- Research shows that youth are already experiencing poor mental health and greater risk of cyberbullying, body image, eating disorder, and poor sleep
- New policy coming in January: students may not use cellular phone during school hours (including recess or lunch). Devices must be turned off and/or stored away.
- The policy also applies to devices that provide similar functionality to a smartphone, such as a smart watch, earbud and smart glasses
- If students need to call home, they can go into the front office and ask to do so
- In an emergency, kids can use their phone and school will notify you.
- Magnetic pouches will be provided by schools to store technology
- Cheesecake fundraiser pickup on Nov 12th in the auditorium
- “Computer Science for Good” Program provided laser printer, 3D printer, two 50” TVs
- Ms. Bertuccelli is looking for parent volunteers to help the school figure out how to use this equipment and/or start after-school programming
- Lost & Found items will be donated on/around winter break
- Parent Conference Week November 12-18
- Minimum days that week Wed, Thurs, Fri & following Monday dismissal at 12:54
- Tues is 1:30 dismissal
- Busses will arrive early and after school starts early
- Recess and lunch still occur
- All volunteers must officially register at