January 15, 2025
- Melrose Speech Club (Rachel Deblinger)
- For Grades 3-5 on Feb 13, 20, 27, Mar 7
- 4 lunch sessions + 1 speech showcase
- 4 designated prompts
- More specific info here
- Sign up to volunteer to mentor here
- Melrose Games, Friday May 2 (Julia Wiss)
- Students to create design for t-shirts
- Community Coffee Hour this Friday January 17
- Wicked (the musical)
- 69 fifth graders attending
- Chaperones will be notified by Ms. Bertuccelli
- Science Night: Mission to Mars, Thursday January 23, 5:30-7:15
- State-funded event
- Corner Bakery sandwiches, pasta salad, etc.
- Planetarium (x2!)
- Vacuum activity w/Marshmallows
- JPL model mars rover
- Planetary Society with button-maker
- Skylight App
- Catalina Field Trip
- January 27th meeting to discuss
- Permission paperwork was sent home
- Melrose is…
- 10/10 on “Great Schools” website
- Title 1 Ranking reinstated with 45.8% (3 students filling out the household income forms made the difference!)
- School will receive $100k to spend on students with academic need
- Safety Updates
- Melrose has been on “inclement weather” schedule however it was lifted today
- Classrooms have industrial commercial grade air filters with new air filters (as of last Thursday/Friday)
- School will have masks for students
- Library is open for recess/lunch if students select to be inside
- Budget Survey