Meeting called to order via Zoom by Mr. Needleman at 5:02 pm
Translation is available in Korean and Spanish.
PTO powerpoint presented by Michelle Groman, Communications Director:
Community Coffee Hour
Next Coffee Hour will be on Zoom on Jan 14 from 8-9am. Link is on Shutterfly.
Anti-Racism meeting for Jan 12 canceled.
Valet will return once parent volunteers are covid-tested and cleared by LAUSD. More volunteers are needed so sign up today!
Spelling Bee
School-wide spelling be is scheduled for January 26. Updates to come.
Jog-a-thon is going to be virtual this year. It will happen in March. Expect updates at the next PTO meeting.
The Beautification Committee is working on removing the tinsel to make way for privacy screening. Please reach out to the PTO if you can help.
Family Fun Night
The next Family Fun Night will be virtual. Expect an announcement soon.
Spirit Wear
Reminder that you can order Melrose Spirit Wear through the PTO website. We are working on having regular in-person pickup dates.
The PTO Website
Our website is updated! You can now find us at the easy-to-remember url
The next PTO meeting is on Feb 2
The PTO needs volunteers!
We are looking for:
- Valet volunteers
- A yearbook mentor to help 5th graders put together the yearbook one afternoon/week. Tentatively on Wednesdays
Coffee with the Principal
Covid questions, procedures and most important points:
- We want all students to be vaccinated. Please upload vaccination records to Daily Pass.
- Quarantine is different for students who are vaccinated and you are not considered vaccinated by LAUSD until you upload your vaccine record to the Daily Pass.
Covid cases are up but with a milder, less dangerous form.
Current Melrose stats:
- 46 students and faculty out with covid
- We can expect teachers and students to be in and out for the next month.
Is school safe?
You can expect some risk but school is about the safest public place right now.
Will we go remote?
If we do, this decision will be made by the district, not the school.
What do you need to upload to Daily Pass?
- Vaccination record
- Positive test if you had covid over the break
- Any time you do a test, even an at-home test, upload the results
- It is recommended not to wear a cloth mask right now.
- Please wear surgical, N95 or KN95 masks.
- Make sure mask is covering nose.
When you test positive, what do you do?
This information is on the website.
(Mr. Needleman give several examples)
Floor open to questions at 5:33
Will the District be passing out more rapid tests?
The school has a few for emergencies but none to pass out.
Will the District test vaccinated students?
Everyone must be tested through January. There is no plan yet after that. Thinks eventually the District will allow vaccinated students to opt out.
Community Engagement
Community engagement is very busy. Try to reach them first thing or at the end of the day.
Parent wrote in chat that community engagement hours are 5am-10:30pm.
What is the situation with after school care?
It is open. Staff is small but there are currently less students than normal attending.
How is behavior?
There are less students at school so this has been easier.
There is no school on Monday for Martin Luther King day.
Student Testing
Tested Thursday, results will come in Thurs or Fr. Please check the results right away. You must have a plan to pick up your student immediately if you get a call from school.
When can parent volunteers test?
Parent volunteers can test at 8am Thurs or after lunch on Thurs. Enter directly through the auditorium.
Are absences excused?
Please write a note to clear your child’s absence. Covid and close contact absences are excused. Staying home because it is not safe for your child to attend right now is considered unexcused but that is ok right now. Please do what is best for your family.
Is there Zoom available from classrooms?
No. Schoolwork will be posted to Schoology.
Do we know the vaccination rate of students?
Estimated 60% currently
Meeting adjourned at 6:02pm