PTO Meeting Minutes May 3, 2023
Meeting called to order by Mr. Needleman via Zoom at 5:01pm
Introduction by Mr. Needleman to welcome families to first meeting of 2023
Korean and Spanish translation available
Meeting is being recorded.
Mr. Needleman introduced PTO President Raj Raghavan
- Good news! PTO Grant team SEEDS grant was accepted by LAUSD. This will take some time but we’ve been approved for a greening grant!
- Charity Buzz Hollywood Auction is in July. If you have any connections in the entertainment industry that people would bid on as an auction, please reach out to Raj.
- Open PTO Positions: Please sign up for a PTO director position for next year. We need volunteers for Spirit Wear and Annual Giving asap to get next year off to the right start.
- Melrose by-laws have a two-year term limit. We would like to have members of the board continue beyond the two-year limit and we would like to make other changes to the by-laws. Please raise your hand if you have questions or objections. (There were no objections.)
- Teacher appreciation is next week. The Grade Level Reps are distributing the information on everything we’re doing and family participation opportunities.
- Friday is Community Coffee Hour and there will be a Spirit Wear Sale
- May the 4th is Astronomy Night
- Last Family Fun Night is May 24 on campus
Raj turned meeting back over to Mr. Needleman
Questions from families:
- Will 4th graders be getting laptops next year? No, we are no longer buying laptops.
- Things we are adding next year:
- Musical theater for grades 3-5
- Star science classes for all students 5 days/week in the science lab
- The district is giving out chromebooks but ipads will be used at school
Mr. Needleman introduced Danielle Tenner
- Danielle reminded families that our board member’s office is here for us.
- There are a few types of offerings for students this summer, including a program for students with disabilities. There is also summer school available 4 hours/day. The space is limited. It is not happening at Melrose but other nearby schools.
- Melrose will have summer in person enrichment, a free summer camp facilitated by Star. You have to fill out the form for Beyond the Bell enrichment.
- There will be online enrichment programs. They are somewhat limited but they are across the district. You should be able to find the options on the LAUSD website.
- You can also reach out to Danielle via email,
Mr. Needleman introduced Coach Manny to talk about Star
- Signup for next year’s Star program are May 17 at 9am, we are maxed at 87 students. If one sibling gets in, the second child automatically gets in
- Star will have summer camp starting June 13-July 28 from 8-6. There will be a rotation-style academic program during camp. A flier will go out to all parents with the information.
Mr. Needleman showed slide with all the upcoming events.
- May 4 6pm is astronomy night
- May 5 community coffee hour and spirit wear sale
- Teacher appreciation May 8-12
- Sbac May 9-19
- May 20 Beautification day
- May 24 Last Family Fun Night of the year
- June 1 volunteer breakfast
- June 6 STEAM Showcase, families are invited to come to school with the students, mini film festival, cardboard box challenge, 5th grade vs staff kickball game
- June 9 last day of school/culmination
A note about safety
There was a terrible accident outside of Hancock Park. People are worried about safety. Both of our schools are in a very commercial zone. It brings up the safety conversation. What would make it safer for all of us is to avoid driving on Detroit and dropping off there. Do not drop off in the bus zone and don’t get out of the car in the middle of the street. In the back of the school we run a valet. Don’t walk through the middle of the valet. Let’s keep it safe for everyone. We are still working on getting a crossing guard.
Questions from parents:
- Q: What is the new science program next year?
- A: We would like more consistency with engineering program and we’re working with the science director for star to finalize this program, they might do engineering while the classroom teachers do the Foss program. Our teachers will be in the classroom with them and do follow-through.
- Comment: Alex Berger, valet volunteer asked parents to be mindful of cars passing you when you’re in the valet lane.
- Q:Are there beautification details?
- A: We are going to do some work on the kinder garden area and plant some new stuff in other gardens, there will be painting. There will be parking available on the yard. If you want to bring anything, bring gloves. We’ll be prepared for you. You do not need to sign up
- Q: When do we apply for younger siblings for 2024?
- A: It will be in the month of October, it will be announced later. You will apply through eChoices.
- Q: Does enrolling in an LAUSD tk improve chances of getting into Melrose?
- A: It does not. But if you are in tk in this year coming up but you want to skip kindergarten, you might regret it.
- Q: Have you reviewed the program called Skateside?
- A: This is a program with LAUSD. But we used to have this at Star. Manny will ask about bringing it back. We try not to bring in programs other than Star so that we support them.
- Q: Are there plans for TK at Melrose?
- A: It doesn’t really work at our school because we’re 100% magnet. TK’s are residential programs.
- Q: What is the best time to donate to Melrose, fall or spring?
- A: The annual giving push is for parents, and jog-a-thon is more for getting friends and families to contribute.
- Q: Will we be able to buy laptops this year?
- A: No, because of the mobile device management. The district has to unlock the laptops. The laptops kept locking and we can’t sell them in good conscience. So now we sell to a reseller. Next year k-5 will all have ipads.
- Q: Does Melrose have a sister middle school?
- A: I don’t think that the plan for a Melrose middle school will ever come back. The plan is to improve the schools around Melrose.
- Q: Did we meet our annual giving goal?
- A: Yes we made our annual giving goal. We were $5000 off for the Melrose games.
- Q: Any updates on a playground?
- A: Yes, the price changed on us since we first planned to do this. The price is now double what it was when we made this plan at the beginning of the year. We are looking into grants and other funding sources. You should know that its going to take several years with planning and soil sampling.
- Q: Do kids keep the ipad they get from kindergarten?
- A: They will probably keep the ones they get in kindergarten all the way through. Please don’t lose your ipad! We will get enough from the district for kinder. They may get one in 4th or 5th, depending on the district.
- Q: Do we keep ipads during summer?
- A: Yes! Don’t lose it.
- Q: Do people have problems with the VPN?
- A: If you have problems with the wifi signal check if it says VPN. Make sure you turn the VPN on. You may have to repeatedly turn the VPN on.
Thank you for the year and have a wonderful summer.
Meeting adjourned at 6:06pm