November 2, 2022

  • Meeting called to order at 5:04 pm by Mr. Needleman
  • Translation available in Spanish
  • Meeting is being recorded. Recording can be viewed at: 

Mr. Needleman introduced Raj Raghavan, PTO President.

  • Thank you to Harvest Festival Directors for an incredible event including FroYo! Next Thursday from 5-7 we could use volunteers to clean up the last of the Harvest Fest decorations, etc. Call for volunteers to put names in chat.

Spelling Bee

  • Introduction of Sruti, Spelling Bee Director
  • The 2022-2023 spelling bee is here! The in-class bees will be the first week of December. The school bee is Thursday, Jan 19. We need volunteers for 60-90 minute commitments. Link will be available on

Book Fair

  • Raj introduced Jill, Book Fair Director
  • Fall Book Fair will happen at Chevaliers Nov 14-20. There’s a Books, Burgers and Ice Cream Family Fun Night on the 17th from 4-7 with Jenni’s Ice Cream and Burger Lounge. Burger Lounge will give money to Melrose from lunch-9pm. You can start shopping now with online shopping using the Melrose link. 

Online Giving

  • Raj introduced Jenny Kellard, Ongoing Fundraising Director
  • Have you linked Ralph’s card yet? Presentation of slides explaining how to link your Ralph’s card. Announcing incentive! If you link your card in the next month, you are eligible for a raffle at the next PTO meeting for a $25 ralphs gift card
  • Amazon – using Melrose as your charity to earn from Melrose

Community Coffee Hour this Friday 8am at Edible Garden with free bagels, coffee and tea

December 3 is our December Family Fun night, details and ticket info coming soon

Raj turned meeting over to Mr. Needleman

Coffee with the Principal 

Digital Citizenship

  • Introduction of Ms. Bertuccelli and Digital Citizenship Assemblies
  • Families received a flier sent home in folders. This used to be an annual practice at Melrose for parents and students together so that we can all be on the same page regarding the purpose of technology use. The hope is that it will be interactive and support parents Trying to return to pre-pandemic digital practices. 

Bike Bus

  • Introducing parent Micheal Schneider to talk about the upcoming bike bus
  • November 15 is the first bike bus morning, when families are invited to bike to school (enter through Waring gate) starting from Pointsettia park, a .4 mi route. Meeting at 7:40am at the starting point.
  • Parent questions: can we walk or scooter? Micheal is looking to having a walking and a biking group. Can I drop off my kid? Yes, if you are ok with Michael supervising them.
  • Michael asked for volunteers to attend and requested RSVP’s

Lunch Applications

  • Mr. Needleman thanked families for putting in lunch applications. We’re close to title one but not sure if we’re a title one school next year. 

School Experience Survey

  • Survey will start next week. Offering classrooms with 100% participation will get a popsicle party. Parents need to send email or tell the teacher that they did it. This survey is anonymous. 4th and 5th grade students will take the survey with their class. 


  • School is on a list to have playground repaved but in addition we’re on a list for yard to be redone which includes not only repaving with material that doesn’t attract heat, possible new privacy fencing, greening whenever possible and reimagining the yard. Possible climbing, etc but it may take 3 years. 
  • Additionally, grant committee is working on a seeds grant, we’re working on both

Acceleration Days

  • Parents are to receive survey to say if they want to participate. School is being asked to single out children who have an academic need to be referred to the acceleration days. But we don’t know what they students will do on those days. The days will not be at Melrose, this will be more like the summer school model. 

Pacific fundraiser pickup

  • Tuesday, Nov 15 is the Pacific Fundraiser pickup day – if you have perishable items you must pick up that day

Parent Q & A

Open to parent questions:

  • What is the status of the possible yard improvement grant? It has not officially gone to the board for a vote. The seeds grant is still in the works.
  • Do parents of bus riders have to pick up Pacific Fundraiser items in person? Yes.
  • Will there be a book fair on campus again? We are hoping to do that again next semester.

Ms. Bertuccelli

  • Now that we’ve added team players to school pledge, students are responding with great consideration and I’m loving it. 

Meeting adjourned at 5:44pm