October 12, 2022

Meeting called to order at 5:03 pm by Mr. Needleman

Translation available in Spanish and Korean

Meeting is being recorded. Recording can be viewed at: https://lausd.zoom.us/rec/share/rZhyhWIe3VqkEFXPOmo_QJQCsg1lfi3d14mcHd68WqFA3vgIMYF_5mPSFCx35M1H.DKf8d8WtC4JgXQyY (Passcode: nrn5^y3v)

Tonight will have special guests: Daniele Tenner from Nick Melvoin’s office and Coach Manny

Mr. Needleman introduced Raj Raghavan, PTO President

Raj requests parents to turn on cameras if possible.

Annual Giving

Parent shout out to Jana Meyers and Elizabeth Cates for leading Annual Giving

Reminder of everything PTO donations go toward including technology, arts teachers and our future goal of a play structure on the big yard.

We are only ¾ of the way to the goal right now and annual giving ends on Friday. 

You can donate any amount, be it $5 or $25. Please give whatever you can. Donate at melrosepto.org/donate

Don’t forget to check if your company does matching.

Parent question: who do you contact with questions? who do companies contact with matching?

Can we have info on a classroom level so that parents encourage each other to give?

Family Fun Nights

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Lala’s Family Fun Night – successful! Raised a few hundred dollars and we were able to buy meals for faculty and staff

Next family fun night in collaboration with book fair on Nov 17 at the Burger Lounge and Jeni’s ice cream plus book fair at Chevaliers on Larchmont

This Friday is Community Coffee Hour on campus with bagels, coffee and orange juice. See you there. 

December 3 will be a family fun afternoon at the Groundlings. It will be a family-friendly show at the Groundlings, thanks to parent and Groundling alum Andrew Friedman.

Spelling Bee

We need a Spelling Bee Director. Latoya Reinholdt who did it last year will advise you but we need someone to organize the school-wide event. Every grade has class spelling bees plus there is a school-wide spelling bee. 

Harvest Fest

Raj introduced Kate Norby to talk about this year’s Harvest Fest 

Harvest Fest will be in person on Oct 28. Families are welcome! There is a costume parade during school in the yard. There will be a grade-level costume contest. Harvest Fest begins at 2:35 with carnival-themed booths. There will be candy, prizes, a photo booth and two raffles. The monster’s ball is back and there will be a bake sale. Link to volunteer posted in the chat. 

Coffee with the Principal

Raj turned meeting over to Mr. Needleman for Coffee with the Principal

Reminder that no weapons are allowed with Halloween costumes, masks can only be worn during parade

Parent question: should costumes be worn to school? Yes, if the child can wear it all day, otherwise they will be given time to put it on after lunch

Danielle Tenner

Danielle Tenner put her info into the chat. She is available for questions for our school board member’s office, danielle.tenner@lausd.net


Coach Manny says Star will be able to take kids around to Harvest Festival stations. Star Nova registration starts tomorrow for Nova 2. 

Cheesecake Fundraiser

Parent question about “cheesecake’ fundraiser. How does the food get delivered? 

This is a school fundraiser. There is a delivery date when the food is delivered to school. 

Why does the school do it? The last time the school did it we got $10,000 and it’s very low-maintenance for the school. This money goes toward fieldtrips. 

Acceleration Days

Acceleration Days have changed. There will be upcoming information on how to participate when it happens (winter and spring break). The end of school year will be 4 days earlier than was originally published. Nick Melvoin’s office apologies for changes and confusion. 

Health Updates

There currently are very few covid cases at Melrose (2 currently). Because we’re not weekly testing, we don’t know if someone on campus has it. If there is covid in a classroom, the other students in that class have to take an at home test and upload to daily pass. Reminder that other contagious diseases are back. You need to tell the school if your child has it as soon as you know. Just let the main office know. We have a new nurse. She goes throug the students medicine. Make sure the nurse has the whole box so she has the child’s name on it. The nurse will call parents if there is a problem. She cannot administer medications ithat are labeled wrong. Also students can’t go on field trips without the correct medicine. 

Magnet Application Process

Do not apply to Melrose if you are at Melrose. Siblings have to apply. But if you apply to a different magnet and get in, you are automatically moved to the other magnet. 5th graders have to apply for magnet middle schools and apply on time (before Nov 18). Tomorrow is Melrose school fair night, 5pm tomorrow.